Wednesday, February 27, 2013


It's true...

Kyle was called as Elders Quorum President
He is already busy with school and football, but I know he will do an amazing job with this calling.
They picked the right person! 
He loves the gospel and gives 110% in whatever he does.
Love you babe!

Monday, February 25, 2013

CraZy IN lOVe

We kept our tradition up this Valentine's Day.
We had a lunch date instead of a dinner date though.
We went to Pirate's Cove and had sushi while overlooking the beautiful ocean on a beautiful day.

 That night we had our other sweet little Valentine.
So I made dinner and set up the table to make it special for Monet.
She loved it!!

Kyle was lucky enough to have 2 Valentines!! 

We love LOVE and are so in love.
With each other and with this sweet girl.
Our favorite thing though...
Is showing our love for one another everyday of the year