We had quite the adventurous weekend
Kyle, Linda {my mother-in-law}, Julia, Kyle and I went to Utah for 4 days to go to Kyle's friend Doug's wedding.
We stayed at Linda and Dave's house in Utah that is still under construction, but the bottom floor is close to being done. It has mattresses and a shower-so we survived.
We left at 5 in the morning on Thursday and it took almost all day to get to Spanish Fork.
We had to take Dave's {my father-in-law} truck, because we needed to haul 2 stoves and a mattress to Utah
While driving, about 30-45 mins after we left, we were on the freeway and I saw in the side mirror a mattress hanging out of the back of the truck!! We hurried and pulled over, at the same time a cop was behind us. We went slow on the side of the road until we could get to an exit to tie it down.
Then we got back on the road and all fell asleep leaving Kyle alone to drive- he zoned out and accidentally went 30 mins, past our exit. So we turned around and an hour later we were back on track! :)
We stopped in St. George for about 2 hours
We went to lunch and I got to meet Kyle's mission president and his wife.
They couldn't say enough good things about my Kyle
It made me so proud to be his wife.
We got back on the road and got to Spanish Fork that night, only to find....
That there was no way into the house
There was snow everywhere, with no way in!
Kyle slid down the hill on a cardboard table to the front door- where he was able to turn on some lights so we could see.
After waiting awhile, Linda and I came up with a crazy idea, we decided to sit on the mattress and go down!!
We took out Kyle on the way down and Linda did a front flip off when we landed, but other than that it was a nice ride! haha.
We made it into the house and my handyman, Kyle, made steps out of wood so that we would have a way out in the morning.
We headed to Bountiful the next morning where Doug was getting married.
It was a beautiful wedding ceremony and we are so happy for Doug and Joy!
Doug and Kyle
Kyle Malan is good friends with Doug too, so we were glad we all got to go together
One of the BEST parts of that day was that my Mom and sister Ashley came to Utah to hang out for the couple days that we was there :)
After the temple, we went to the Lion House to eat, which was so good!
Then we went to the Gateway Mall to meet Kyle's brother Trevor and his wife Brittany
{the view from the 4th floor of Dave's house}
So pretty!!
Kyle and I outside of the Utah house
The next day we got up and went shopping! We had such a fun day together and I was so glad I got to spend the short time I was in Utah with my Mom and sister! Thanks so much Ashley and Mom for coming to Utah to see us!
We are so grateful for the fun adventurous weekend we had!
We made a lot of great memories, that I'm sure we won't forget
Kyle and I have been so blessed to have the most amazing families
We have his family just 2 hours away that we are able to see and spend time with every couple weeks
and my family is a lot farther away, but always there for us!
We are so grateful for that and for all of the love and support we get from each of them!
We love our families!!