Kyle's last spring football game was this weekend.
His parents came up for the day to watch and hang out with us.
Kyle's Aunt Mary also came, along with Shanna, her boyfriend Jake and a couple other friends.

Dad took us to dinner after and then to the movie 42, which was so great.
We loved it.
We're we sad?
We still have the whole season to look forward to.
I am so grateful that Kyle has the talent he does, so that is able to have a football scholarship to help get him through school.
& Kyle does love football.
With that being said, it is SOO much work- getting to practices, workouts, runs, meetings, games.
With all his school work and his church calling, Kyle will be ready for the break.
For us, last spring game means football is close to being over, which means Kyle is close to graduating, which means we will {hopefully} be having a
baby soon!! ;)
We are keeping busy with work and school.
We watched Leanne and Ryan's {our friends} kids a week ago for a couple days while they were out of town.
They have 2 girls Abby & Charlie, and twins Caleb & Levi
These girls love Kyle. Probably because he is so sweet and even dresses up for their tea parties.
Caleb & Levi
I get to watch these cute twins a couple times a week in the mornings before Monet gets out of school
I started helping their mom, Leanne out a couple months after they were born.
And now they are almost 18 months old.
I have loved every minute of it.
It is so fun to see their cute little personalities developing
I could just give them hugs and kisses all day!!
Their mom is a rockstar!
It's a lot of work.
& even more work as they are getting older, but it's totally worth it!
I received a new church calling- Relief Society Secretary
I was able to get a gym membership at Cal Poly. So now I can go work out & see my husband for a couple minutes during the day. :)
{& when there is a break from football we can work out together}
My ankle is healing slowly but I think it is getting there. I am still in my boot but I hope to be out soon.
We are excited for summer.
We are going to Idaho and can't wait to see my family.
Our life is busy, but it is oohh so good!